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Private Message
Advert #12384

Sells Peugeot’s complete engine A narrow ExOficial CAR KIT CAR (genuine). It is new and its clutch and pressure plate also, with only a mountain climb and a Rallysprint of 3 sections of 9 kms. Its performance with Sybelle 5 and 98 gasoline is 158 cv demonstrable since I have an invoice and power bench leaf. This yield would be substantially better with the use of ethanol or gasolinas from a competition. The collectors and the creepage line throughout its length is of INCONEL material highly (lightweight, resistant and a heat sink). The price of everything is: 9000 € LE PÔ NE SEND ANYWHERE Engine 106 KIT CAR EXOFICIAL
Price: 9000 euro
Contact: boherroger@gmail.com
Selling Price 9000
Company Name Xtrans
Sellers Phone # 756962825

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